How to Create a Tech Ready Home for Parents and Caregivers
Date: 02 13, 2025
Time: 07:00 pm
Thursday, February 13
The Lutheran Schools Partnership invites you to join us as we welcome Chris McKenna of Protect Young Eyes (PYE) on Thursday, February 13, from 7:00-8:30 pm at Concordia Lutheran High School. Chris is the founder of PYE and Executive Director of the PYE
Foundation. Chris is a respected digital safety voice, creating valuable and practical
resources for families and schools. His impactful 2019 testimony before the US Senate
initiated a series of hearings to further online child protection policy. Years of gritty effort
earned PYE the 2020 Dignity Defense Award from the National Center on Sexual
Exploitation and the 2024 Child Safety Award from The Phase Alliance.
Chris will share “Digital Discernment: 5 Habits of a Tech-Ready Home in an Unfiltered World.” This event is free and open to the public, and geared toward parents and caregivers of young people. To register, CLICK HERE