TLS enrollment is up

Posted on Oct 03, 2011 by Mark Muehl - News and Events - Quality Education

The Lutheran Schools are enjoying an enrollment increase of 78 students during the 2011–12 school year. “This enrollment growth is very encouraging,” says Mark Muehl, director of The Lutheran Schools Partnership. “Attracting more students and families to our schools and all they have to offer is something we’ve put much effort into over the last several months.”The largest increase is at Concordia Lutheran High School, where an additional 37 students have enrolled. Next comes Central Lutheran School in New Haven with 30 new students. The largest growth by percentage came at Bethlehem Lutheran School in Ossian, where there’s a 50-percent jump from 42 to 63 students. “This is the first significant enrollment growth for our Lutheran schools since at least 2005–2006,” Muehl adds. “We actually had a decrease in 2010-2011, but this year’s increase brought us back to the previous level. Much of this year’s growth was through the new statewide voucher program. Many parents saw the voucher program as a way for their children to gain a quality private-school education—and they chose The Lutheran Schools for that.“We hope that at this time next year, we’ll be celebrating further growth at all The Lutheran Schools,” Muehl adds.