New Year’s Fundraising Resolutions

Posted on Jan 09, 2017 by Jon Dize - Funding the Mission

I was going to write a “the best of 2016 in Fundraising” article, but decided to not dwell on the past (besides, I have already written about the success of the SGO program, among other highlights).

Instead, as we look to the new year, I challenge you to raise a glass with me and consider some of the following charitable topics that I will be detailing in future newsletters this year:

Tax-planning with SGOs: while credits are gone now, they will be back starting July 1; as one donor who squeaked his donation in just under the wire this year, “I’m definitely donating earlier next year!” Take a gander at what your total state tax bill was for 2016 and consider how much you could save by supporting scholarships in 2017... Endowments: our 18 Partner schools have an endowment matching challenge from The Lutheran Foundation. Consider how your gift to the school’s endowment could be doubled or tripled, and live on forever. Speaking of forever, spring is always a great time to review your estate plans, the beneficiary designations for your retirement accounts and insurance, and other similar documents. Consider adding Lutheran education to those plans; Lutheran education in Indiana has been going strong for nearly 200 years, you can help it thrive for the next 200. Speaking of retirement accounts, if you are 70 ½ years old or older, and the government is telling you that you have to take a required amount from your retirement account, consider a possible tax-free distribution from those accounts to a charity like one of our schools or the SGO. As with any change, make sure you discuss any of these options with your family and financial advisors.

To take from one of the less-sang lines from “Auld Lang Syne”, make sure to “... tak' a cup o' kindness yet,” and support Lutheran education in 2017.

Photo Cred: Time-Life Archives, New Years Party Times Square


Walter Sanders

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