New technology initiative supports classroom teachers

Posted on Jan 23, 2014 by Alicia Levitt - Best Practices

This week, a small group of teachers from several of our TLSP schools will be meeting to discuss how they use technology in their classrooms. These teachers are likely to be the risk takers in their buildings. They're the ones who are willing to try new ideas and aren't really bothered if something "bombs." We've gathered this group together as many of our schools begin to explore utilizing technology beyond the computer lab. These technology leaders are already using online tools such as blogs and wiki pages or integrating iPads into their existing curriculum. We've already created a list of other tech tools that we want to explore and learn more about when we meet. As these teachers come together monthly to share experiences and build knowledge, we'll send them back to their schools ready to model the use of new tools to their students and colleagues. Eventually, this group will be leading tech training sessions and opening up their own classrooms to teachers who would like to watch them in action. The idea for this program came from a small group of our very own principals! They determined a true need for a service like this and will continue to provide guidance and input as to the direction of our group. Although this journey together has just begun, I look forward to keeping you all posted on our progress, and want to thank the teachers and principals involved in this adventure. I can't think of a better way to demonstrate the meaning of our name, The Lutheran Schools Partnership.