Meet another faithful ally in our efforts

Posted on May 01, 2015 by Mark Muehl - Christian Leadership - News and Events

"Please join me in this conversation, how we can move people and further our mission in sharing Christ's Love with the World." Those are the words from Matthew Leighty's "about me" website as in many ways he invites people to join him in sharing Christ with those with whom he's in contact.Who is Matthew Leighty? He's executive director of Lutheran Ministries Media here in Fort Wayne. In his short 30-something life, he has served in Lutheran ministries such as Concordia University Chicago (admissions), Holy Cross Lutheran School (board), and Concordia Theological Seminary (advancement). Now, he has the privilege of leading an organization that's sharing the Gospel directly to folks throughout the United States--and even worldwide.Lutheran Ministries Media was started in Toledo, Ohio, in 1965 by the Rev. Oswald Henry Bertram. After he died in 1979, the program was restarted at Holy Cross Lutheran Church by Lutheran Ministries Media Inc., best known for Worship for Shut-Ins. Worship for Shut-Ins reaches people across the nation and around the world on more than 100 television stations, the Reach and Preach DVD subscription program, as well as by making the program available online.Technology is an important aspect of the school environment. It's also true for Lutheran Ministries Media. Worship for Shut-Ins started locally in Fort Wayne, but expanded through the TCT Network. Who would have ever thought that here in Fort Wayne, a ministry would be serving the world through high-definition media, through older means such as DVDs, and through Vimeo and streaming online through its website. Lutheran Ministries Media has seen challenges similar to what our Lutheran schools have experienced--many technological advances have occurred over the years that challenges the ministry to keep up. For the sake of those being served, Worship for Shut Ins uses means that are comfortable for their present clientele, and those who are served are thankful for this program.Matthew embraces his roots here in Fort Wayne. He and his wife, Kelli, moved back to the city in 2006 with intentions of starting their family. They're the proud parents of three (with number four on the way), and they're thankful for The Lutheran Schools of northeast Indiana. Their memories growing up are of strong Lutheran schools and a strong Lutheran presence in the area. Those impressions are still real today. Lutheran schools are an important ministry, one which Matthew supports by being on the board of Holy Cross. The care and quality promoted, and the priorities set, by Lutheran churches to advance Christian education are apparent, and Matthew is actively supporting that."I praise God for the opportunity I had to attend Lutheran schools growing up," Matthew says. "And now, I know with confidence that my own children will have a premier education, centered on God's Word. I've been moved by how The Lutheran Schools Partnership is allowing our Lutheran schools to reach new heights and meet a level of excellence that's unprecedented. As we seek to pass along the faith to the next generation, nothing is more important than ensuring our children are surrounded in an environment that will grow their faith and prepare them for their eventual calling in service to others and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."Good thoughts, Matthew. Thanks for being a solid supporter of our mission.