Introducing Jenna Jensen

Posted on Dec 05, 2022 by Mark Muehl - Lutheran Spirit - News and Events

TLSP is happy to introduce our new Executive Assistant, Jenna Jensen. Jenna will be a huge support for the staff of TLSP as we seek to serve more effectively and even expand the ways we support our region’s Lutheran Schools.

Jenna has been blessed to have worked in a variety of positions from Engineering Administrative Assistant for the City of New Haven to Director of Children’s Ministry at Colony Heights Church.

“After years of trying to figure out where God is leading me, this position was presented to me and my first thought was, ‘God made this position just for me.’ And he prepared me for such a time as this.” Jenna is excited to give to this ministry and help grow TLSP to help our schools and our children.

Jenna has been blessed with her husband, Jason and 2 amazing children (Noah, CLHS and Brenna, Central Lutheran School). They currently live in New Haven. She and Jason decided years ago that they wanted a Christ centered education for their children. God opened the doors and prepared the path that brought them into the Lutheran Schools’ family. They are excited to continue on this journey.