Funding the Mission

We are facing a new reality in terms of many areas of school management, but my time here will be focused on your fundraising efforts. I’m not going to quote a Bible verse, as you all probably have better cites than I could come up with, and everyone has already reminded us of… Read More

Endowments and Rule of 20

Posted on Mar 04, 2020 by Jon Dize - Funding the Mission

My last 2 posts ( and ( focus on estate giving and supporting endowments. I still think endowments are the key to long-term… Read More

If you are a Thrivent Financial member, that is, you have investments or certain insurance products, you can direct dollars from Thrivent to approved charities like The Lutheran Schools Partnership or any of our Partner schools and their associated churches. (Of Note: TLSP might… Read More

The Sweet Spot & Aging Congregations

Posted on Feb 09, 2020 by Jon Dize - Funding the Mission

As I work with the 19 schools in Northeast Indiana, I will often call myself the “Cheerful Giver Evangelist.” Recently, I have added emphasis on the “Sweet Spot.” According to the annual Giving USA Research: Read More

$10 Billion Lutheran Transfer; Why Wait?

Posted on Feb 02, 2020 by Jon Dize - Funding the Mission

I’m Back! It seems that I have been absent from these weekly posts for The Lutheran Schools Partnership for a few months. We have been busy with December year-end gifts over at The Lutheran SGO of Indiana, and I have been actively posting fundraising training, opinions, and… Read More

2019 - Did you Know?

Posted on Jan 02, 2020 by Jon Dize - Funding the Mission

Did you know that this year is the 10 year anniversary of The Lutheran Schools Partnership? Did you also know that a single gift to TLSP today will continue to fund an organization that fights for 19 schools today, will continue to train and watch over 250 leaders tomorrow, and… Read More

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