Funding the Mission

Over the last two weeks we have been building the case for our K-12 schools to not shy away from engaging alumni [Part I& Part II]. We defined what alumni are and identified the common barriers we here on why a school cannot or will not initiate or continue efforts.So this… Read More

Last weekI outlined my reasons for our area Lutheran schools to initiate or resurrect an alumni engagement plan. This week, I will define just what an alumni is and some common barriers to starting a program or continuing past efforts. Read More

I recently updated my presentation on alumni engagement for our schools and thought I would share the information in a series of posts. With schools that have histories going back nearly 180 years, our Lutheran schools in NE Indiana should have strong, engaged alumni efforts. Read More

Fundraising Quotes to Live By

Posted on May 02, 2018 by Jon Dize - Funding the Mission

For those of you that have seen my presentation “From Bake Sales to Philanthropy” know that I like using quotes. Quotes from the Bible, from Martin Luther and other theologians, from other fundraising professionals, even from political figures and celebrities. Read More

“If you religious people ever get smart about fundraising, the rest of us may be in trouble.”-- United Way official to author, William “Bill” EnrightSometime around Christmas I had the opportunity to read a new book entitled, “Kitchen Table Giving” by William “Bill” Enright.… Read More

The Paradox of Giving

Posted on Feb 19, 2018 by Jon Dize - Christian Leadership - Funding the Mission

I have been building the fundraising library of The Lutheran Schools Partnership and recently added The Paradox of Generosity, a book that can be summed up in one sentence: “Those who give their resources away receive them back in return.” Read More

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