Food for thought

Posted on Jan 10, 2014 by Mark Muehl - Christian Leadership - News and Events

Christmas gifts have been given and received, and we've once again experienced the affluence of our country. While times have been challenging for many with job insecurity, underemployment, illness, and more, the reality is that we live in a country that's extremely blessed.
Years ago, our Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod had a theme of "Blessed to be a Blessing." The theme still holds true today. As we bask in the glow of Christmas and consider the many ways God touches our lives, we can also be moved to a desire to respond in witness of our Savior. He has indeed blessed us in many ways. What opportunities can we present, then, to demonstrate His love? As the calendar turns, many of our Lutheran schools will be turning their attention to a group mission project. In the weeks to come, you will hear and see your Lutheran school supporting Kids Against Hunger (KAH). The mission of Kids Against Hunger is "to significantly reduce the number of hungry children in the USA and to feed starving children throughout the world. We ship meals to starving children and their families in over 60 countries through partnerships with humanitarian organizations worldwide. We need your help to end world hunger." Your help is needed in two ways. First, ongoing prayer for those who are in need is always a part of prayer lists. This program will help us emphasize our need to approach the God of grace with His favor on the efforts of KAH. Second, the students of TLSP schools will be hands-on in this project as they'll do the packaging of the meals. These packaging events will take place at Bethlehem Lutheran School on February 21 (Lutheran South Unity is leading this site), at Wyneken Memorial on April 11, and at Concordia Lutheran High School on April 11. (Note: St. Paul's in Fort Wayne completed a packaging event in October). Adult volunteers may be needed. Be ready to help if the plea is presented. Finally, donate funds. Amazingly, one package costs about 25 cents to make and contains six 1-cup servings. The impact of all donations is huge. Be ready to contribute directly or through a student requesting your help in supporting these efforts. I hope this message has prompted your interest in this effort. If you'd like to get more information on Kids Against Hunger or the upcoming efforts by our Lutheran schools on behalf of KAH, please visit our local Kids Against Hunger website,, and view the presentation at