Face our Fears

Posted on Mar 21, 2022 by Mark Muehl - Christian Living

Last week, we referenced a recent Focus on the Family broadcast that addressed fear and worry in our kids ( Helping Kids Navigate Worry in Healthy Ways - Focus on the Family). It resonated with me to the point that I offered some personal reflection. I hope it brought about your own reflection and some heartfelt sharing with those you love.

God tells us not to fear. He gives us His Word as reminders of the trust we can have in Him. That confidence is based on the realities of His Son. Jesus' death and resurrection are the certain truths that answer the greatest fear of all - death. In Christ, we have life and life eternal.

A recent teachers conference along with some Lenten Bible reading addressed the need to face fears. At our fall Lutheran teachers’ conference, keynote speaker, Ted Neitzke​​ (The Smart Thinking podcast), encouraged teachers and administrators to face their storms just like buffalo. He shared that when buffalo sense a storm coming, they head right into the storm. By running into the storm, they minimize the amount of pain, time, and frustration they experience from that storm. Conversely, cows try walking away from a storm, only lengthening the time they are affected by anything the storm might lay on them. In fact, cows put themselves at greater risk by trying to run away from the storm.

This whole idea of facing our storms caught my attention again when I recently heard from Luke 9, “He (Jesus) set his face to Jerusalem.” Certainly Jesus was headed to Jerusalem - straight ahead. Not only that, he was well aware of what he was facing - the full fury of His Father who would turn his face from him. As Jesus was suffering on the cross, He cried “My God My God, why have you forsaken me (or ‘why have you turned your face from me’)”

God doesn’t turn his face from us because he turned his face on His Son. What should have been ours is done and gone. As we see the Father’s face, we hear His words “You are my beloved.” This certainty and the full package of His mercy in our lives is a tremendous comfort to our fears. We have plenty of things that can cause us fear and certainly the seed of fear was planted with COVID19... and that seed germinated. It’s time to face those fears and face them straight on knowing that God is with us.

Back to the buffalo for a moment. Another strategy for facing their storms (like a blizzard), buffalo lie down close together with their backs to the wind and allow the snow to drift over them, so that under the combined protection of the snow and their own woolly, dense coats they are perfectly comfortable.

Together in community, we also face storms. Family and friends work together to support one another. Christian families and friends also remind each other of God’s promises and also pray for each other. Lutheran Schools are communities that by themselves provide safe and comforting surroundings. Our Lutheran Schools encourage families and friends in support of one another. Lutheran School ministry daily demonstrates care for one another.

As we continue this post-Covid period, let’s all together face our fears and with God’s help, boldly and with confidence ready ourselves for what lies ahead. Encourage one another and encourage your friends and families to join our Lutheran school communities.