Big Thanks

Posted on May 05, 2020 by Mark Muehl - Lutheran Spirit

This last quarter of the school year best never leave our memory. We now have phrases that have been embedded in our heads - social distancing, new normal and Zoom. But, we also have been given seeds of doubt and fear. Who can I trust? Where can I go for confident information? Am I going to get sick? What’s next?

In many ways, the past few months should have helped us realize that there is much we are not in control of, that there are biases in much of the information that is shared, and that being hunkered down in your home is quite constraining.

Thank God we have pastors who care for their people so much they risked a great unknown and are recording or streaming weekly worship services.

Thank God for the principals who have continued to scamper for accurate information to work with and supported their teachers with whatever they could.

Thank God for teachers who love their students, who long to see the kids faces and have been challenged with teaching in such a trying time.

Thank God for all the support staff that has remained nimble and have supported the operations of our schools.

Pastors, principals, teachers, and staff are the blessings that God uses at our schools to help children learn about Jesus and the world He created. Those talented people have dedicated their lives to service and we thank God for the impact they've made on children and families in our churches and schools.

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. The Lutheran Schools Partnership is giving thanks by posting yard signs through northeast Indiana. We hope the signs bring a smile to a lot of faces....and lets neighborhoods know how much we love those who support our schools.

"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, 'Your God reigns!'" (Isaiah 52:7)