A week for fools

Posted on Apr 01, 2015 by Mark Muehl - Christian Leadership - News and Events

"Area Lutheran Teachers vote to cancel spring break to end the school year in May."There may be some of you who don't find that line very foolish (and we're the ones not vacationing in Florida right now). Bucking what has become a national institution would be deemed doomed to failure. Who would want to swap the warmth and sun of the white sands of Panama City versus the gloom and cold winds of a March day in the Fort?April Fools Day in the middle of Holy Week reminds each of us that we're celebrating foolishness this week--the foolishness of God. Paul writes," For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."A King riding into the capital city. A King washing his followers' feet. The Priest acting like a wrecking ball in his own church. Knowingly walking into a betrayer's plans. No defense in front of those who accuse. No retaliation for bullying beyond measure. The King held high on a tree of death.Sure sounds like foolishness ... to all who don't believe. This foolishness is often seen as failure, as weakness. But we, Jesus' followers, treasure the power that is ours through all this foolishness, this weakness. It's because of this foolishness that we're free--free of the guilt of sin, free to live life eternally, free to share this foolishness with friends and families.I hope you're enjoying your spring break. Or I hope you're enjoying your work day, thanking God for the ability to contribute to our community. I also pray that the week exhibits other foolish behavior--time to worship the Lord of Holy Week. Our King arrived this past Sunday and is en route to the cross. I trust you'll travel to worship and receive His gifts--wherever you may be.