2012 year-end summary for The Lutheran SGO of Indiana

Posted on Feb 04, 2013 by Jon Dize - News and Events - SGO

I know you're accustomed to hearing from Mark Muehl in these e-newsletters, but Mark handed the pen over to me for this review of The Lutheran SGO of Indiana.Christmas and year-end always reminds me of the grade school music class song that went like this:“Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat./ Please put a penny in that old man's hat./ If you have no penny, a ha’ penny will do, / If you have no ha’ penny, then God Bless You!”We were truly blessed with the creation of The Lutheran SGO of Indiana. What started in March was finally a reality by November, just in time for Christmas and year-end possibilities for donors, corporations, partnerships, and the self-employed to "put their pennies in the SGO hat."And indeed, our "goose" gained momentum as those pennies stack up: as of the first of January, more than 130 donors supported Lutheran education by donating nearly $200,000 to support SGO scholarships for children wanting a quality, Christian education in Indiana. And with another six months left in the SGO fiscal year, we're excited with the number of scholarships we'll eventually make possible.There's still time to watch your "pennies" support Lutheran education in Indiana before the June 30 deadline. As you sit down with your accountant and lament over the “ha’ pennies” that remain after writing your tax check, please plan now to best take advantage of the SGO tax credit yet this year. While nearly half of the available credits statewide are already taken, the credits will be replenished in the “old man’s hat” on July 1.